Year | Total Shipped |
2024 | 298 boxes |
2023 | 300 boxes |
2022 | 253 boxes |
2021 | 90 boxes |
2020 | 429 boxes |
2019 | 619 boxes |
2018 | 1189 boxes |
2017 | 4163 boxes |
2016 | 4227 boxes |
2015 | 3978 boxes |
2014 | 1509 boxes |
2013 | 1342 boxes |
2012 | 956 boxes |
2011 | 1024 boxes |
2010 | 1006 boxes |
2009 | 873 boxes |
2008 | 356 boxes |
2007 | 519 boxes |
Goal for 2025:
All that HOME can send.
Houston, Texas
Feb 11, 2025
??° F, unknown
Baghdad, Iraq
Feb 11, 2025
??° F, unknown
Kabul, Afghanistan
Feb 11, 2025
??° F, unknown
Where did the year 2012 go? It seems like just last week we were doing the HOME Golf Tournament, and now we just completed the
Christmas packing party. WOW! Time not only flies when you're having fun,,, it completely disappears.
I made a plea for items, donations, volunteers and once again our military wins! The controlled chaos that seems to filter into
every packing party, no matter how hard I try to make it a smooth event, is what brings a grand smile to my face. That and seeing
the younger generation becoming more and more involved in Helping Our Military Endure.
But it is not my smile that counts. It is the smile that will come from the men and women wearing the uniform when they open those
boxes. The boxes that have been filled with gratitude. Filled with love. Filled with surprises, home goodies and filled with
wonderful heartfelt THANKS for a job well done in keeping our country safe.
A grateful thank you goes out to each and every one that has helped in making this chaotic packing party a huge success. Thank you
for the collection drives, the donations, the cards and letters that are in every box. Thank you for your patience in reading all
my emails and my constant reminders. A BIG KUDOS to our new sponsor, ADPOWER. Check their web site out at At every packing party I stand in awe of everything you have helped accomplish. It never gets old.
Your accomplishments have packaged up 416 boxes on December 1st in one hour 15 minutes. I applaud all your efforts and patience as we
leave 2012 and prepare to keep our Mission of HOME alive and going strong. Regardless of your political viewpoints, our country
remains free and our military is to be thanked for that. All military past and present.
trudy Duhon
President, HOME-Help Our Military Endure
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