Upcoming Events
Yearly Package Shipments
YearTotal Shipped
2024298 boxes
2023300 boxes
2022253 boxes
202190 boxes
2020429 boxes
2019619 boxes
20181189 boxes
20174163 boxes
20164227 boxes
20153978 boxes
20141509 boxes
20131342 boxes
2012956 boxes
20111024 boxes
20101006 boxes
2009873 boxes
2008356 boxes
2007519 boxes

Goal for 2025:
All that HOME can send.

Houston, Texas
Feb 11, 2025

??° F, unknown

Baghdad, Iraq
Feb 11, 2025

??° F, unknown

Kabul, Afghanistan
Feb 11, 2025

??° F, unknown

Mailing Address:

Help Our Military Endure
P.O.Box 57636
Webster, Tx 77598-7636

Physical Address:

17629 El Camino Real
Suite 100
Houston, Tx 77058

Annual Christmas Packing Party - Thursday, December 1, 2011

What do you want for Christmas?

My Christmas list consisted of everything from baseball gloves to hand sewn Christmas Stockings, lots and lots of beef jerky and plenty of Girl Scout cookies. I wanted drink packets by the dozens, toothpaste, toothbrushes and lots of candy. I wanted it all and I got my wish!

On Thursday, December 1, my Christmas wish was answered. I received not only everything I asked for, I was blessed to receive 2 1/2 tons of merchandise that will be going to many US bases around the world. I didn't even feel guilty asking for so much since it is all for our military so they may have a blessed Christmas so far from home.

That's right, I said 2 1/2 tons of goodies for our military. THANK YOU to everyone that donated items. THANK YOU to everyone that wrote Christmas cards and letters. THANK YOU to everyone that came out to pack boxes in a controlled chaotic environment. THANK YOU to my HOME Board that helped make all this possible. I hope you all had a great time, I know I sure did. The boxes that were packed are heading out the door as we speak. Everyday HOME will be shipping out boxes till they are all on their way to brighten a service member's day. Can you imagine what they will think when they see 10, 20 or 30 boxes show up at their living quarters? MERRY CHRISTMAS MILITARY!

More items are coming in BY THE TON! I think HOME may need to look for a bigger warehouse, anyone have an empty building that HOME could use? If you do I sure hope you contact me soon. We are a nonprofit and sure could use the space.

I deeply wish you all a Merry Christmas and the best possible New Year ever. Enjoy the video from the packing party and stay tuned because HOME will be preparing for the 3rd Annual Golf Tournament in May 2012.

Stay safe and thank you for your continued support.

President of HOME-Help Our Military Endure
Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13

View More Images in the Annual Christmas Packing Party Image Gallery

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