Upcoming Events
Yearly Package Shipments
YearTotal Shipped
2024298 boxes
2023300 boxes
2022253 boxes
202190 boxes
2020429 boxes
2019619 boxes
20181189 boxes
20174163 boxes
20164227 boxes
20153978 boxes
20141509 boxes
20131342 boxes
2012956 boxes
20111024 boxes
20101006 boxes
2009873 boxes
2008356 boxes
2007519 boxes

Goal for 2025:
All that HOME can send.

Houston, Texas
Feb 11, 2025

??° F, unknown

Baghdad, Iraq
Feb 11, 2025

??° F, unknown

Kabul, Afghanistan
Feb 11, 2025

??° F, unknown

Mailing Address:

Help Our Military Endure
P.O.Box 57636
Webster, Tx 77598-7636

Physical Address:

17629 El Camino Real
Suite 100
Houston, Tx 77058

Annual Christmas in July Packing Party - Saturday, July 12, 2014

How many ways can you say Americans are awesome? Let me count the ways. Right now it is 303 ways. 303 care packages were packed at the Christmas in July packing party on Saturday July 12th. The boxes are filled with generous donations from the public, friends, individual groups, Churches, Scouts, private companies, and local businesses. I could go on and on, but you know who you are. You know what you do for our men and women in uniform. I am humbled from the outpouring of support to our troops at each and every event HOME has.

Thank you all for continuing to show your support for the men and women in uniform. The boxes are moving out the door and on the way to Italy, Kosovo, South Korea, Okinawa, Japan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Egypt, Romania, and Jordan. If you know of someone serving in a far off country, send me their name and shipping address. We will add them to our data bank and will send them a little bit of home from HOME.

When they open a care package and can see, smell, and taste a part of home, they know in their hearts they are not forgotten. Who doesn't like a surprise package? Even a toothbrush is a treasured surprise. I have been told many times by the recipients of these packages that it feels awesome to have a clean toothbrush. And one with a full head of bristles too. What can you say to that? Nothing! So I buy more toothbrushes and toothbrush holders.

Here is a list of items that are VERY, VERY popular in the boxes. Are you ready? In no particular order: drink mixes; toothbrushes and all that goes with them; beef jerky; Slim Jims; laundry detergent sheets (only available online); dice; cards; travel games; towels; baby wipes; small sized shampoos, conditioners, and lotions (they store and travel with the units better); air fresheners; batteries (all sizes); DVD's; music CDs; magazines; books; crossword books; Sudoku books; heavy cushioned socks; eye drops; eye moisturizing gel; saline solution for contacts; bunge cords; X-acto knives; knife sharpeners (both the slide thru sharpener and the stone); pens and pencils; pencil sharpeners; writing tablets with envelopes; and calling cards.

Be inventive when you shop. Make a HOME box for your own home and when you shop, buy a little something extra and drop it in the box. It will fill up fast and when it does you can email me that you have donated items to bring to the HOME office. We will let you know when someone will be there for your delivery. The HOME office is located at 17629 El Camino Real, Suite 100. It is near NASA Rd One, close to Webster.

Go to your local garage sales and look for baseball gloves. I have sent many in the past and would like to get another bunch of these together for a unit. So put out the word, HOME NEEDS ADULT BASEBALL GLOVES.

We have a few events coming up and need your support for our Christmas shipment. That packing party will be December 6th. But remember, HOME ships all during the year and this takes numerous funds for shipping costs as well as items. Start loading up, our bins are empty right now.

As always, thank you for your continued support and THANK YOU for Helping Our Military Endure.

Trudy Duhon
President of HOME
Help Our Military Endure

View More Images in the Annual Christmas in July Packing Party Image Gallery

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