Upcoming Events
Yearly Package Shipments
YearTotal Shipped
2023300 boxes
2022253 boxes
202190 boxes
2020429 boxes
2019619 boxes
20181189 boxes
20174163 boxes
20164227 boxes
20153978 boxes
20141509 boxes
20131342 boxes
2012956 boxes
20111024 boxes
20101006 boxes
2009873 boxes
2008356 boxes
2007519 boxes

Goal for 2024:
All that HOME can send.

Houston, Texas
Jul 26, 2024

??° F, unknown

Baghdad, Iraq
Jul 27, 2024

??° F, unknown

Kabul, Afghanistan
Jul 27, 2024

??° F, unknown

Mailing Address:

Help Our Military Endure
P.O.Box 57636
Webster, Tx 77598-7636

Physical Address:

17629 El Camino Real
Suite 100
Houston, Tx 77058

Operation Shoebox 2010 - Monday, February 15, 2010

Students at Clear Lake City Elementary School got into the Valentine's Day spirit again this year and collected donations for care packages to be sent to the troops deployed overseas.

In conjunction with the non-profit organization HOME - Help Our Military Endure, and with the 5th grade Student Council spearheading the event, the students collected $91.00 and 90 shoeboxes of items such as paper and pencils, games, puzzle books, personal hygiene items, candy, and baby wipes. These items might not be everyone's idea of a Valentine's Day gift, but to the troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, they're much appreciated in an area lacking even the most basic supplies.

The objective is to give them a little piece of home and show we support them and appreciate what they are doing. No soldier should walk away from a mail call with nothing.

In addition, tucked inside the care packages the students created beautiful cards with heartfelt messages hoping to brighten a lonely soldier's day.

View More Images in the Operation Shoebox 2010 Image Gallery

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